Meeker approves stipend

  • Meeker approves stipend
    Meeker approves stipend

The Meeker Board of Education Monday night voted to provide a stipend for all personnel of the district for the 2020-2021 school year.

The board also accepted the retirement of Virgil Fowler, Middle School Dean of Students, and the resignation of his wife Rebecca Fowler, lSD instructor.

The board agreed to give each employee in the district $500 for the current school year.

School Supt. Jeff Pruitt pointed out, “This is something we’ve all looked at. This has been a difficult time for everyone and our faculty has done a remarkable job of putting our kids first.”

Pruitt recommended a $250 to $500 stipend. Board member Marc Chapman indicated he thought the $500 was appropriate and Pruitt told him he agreed, saying, “I think that can be done.”

Before the board voted, Pruitt advised the members, “I haven’t had one single employee come to my office this year and complain about having to show up for work.”

Virgil Fowler confirmed before the meeting he 's completing 40 years at Meeker.

He said his wife has been at the school for 31 years.

Later in the meeting, Pruitt said, “I haven’t had a better employee to work with than Virgil Fowler. He’s Mr. Meeker to me,” he added.

In their reports High School Principal Brad Buxton announced that Meeker senior Parker Buoy on Monday had won the Central Area Star Farmer Award. He now will go on to compete for the Oklahoma State Star Farmer award in April of this year.

Buxton reported on possible graduation sites, indicating OBU wasn’t going to be feasible because of the number of people a student could bring with them would be limited to five.

The Firelake Arena and Meeker High School football field are the other choices and he said he is polling students and will have an answer on Wednesday (March 10). “It’s running about 50- 50 right now,” he told the board. Enrollment totals around 231, he said.

Elementary Principal Candice Gatz said her enrollment is about 317.

Virginia Pritchard, Meeker Education Center/Alt. Ed Principal said, “Overall we have 138 k-12 that are taking advantage of the virtual and blended learning opportunities, an increase of two students since February.”

In other business, the board:

Approved the school calendar for the 2021- 2022 school year.

Prior to the meeting beginning, the board honored member Marc Chapman who was attending his last meeting. Pruitt said Chapman had served 11 years.

The winner of the school election on April 6 between Josh Elliott and Robyn Miller will be seated at the April meeting.