Updates from Meeker Town Hall

  • Updates from Meeker Town Hall
    Updates from Meeker Town Hall

1. Update on Glenn Crest Park

A. Sam Killebrew with SandS Striping donated his skills and paint to stripe our new concrete parking lot. He also striped around the new flower beds and entrance sign.

B. The broken Spaulding basketball backboard has finally got off backorder and we will get it in a couple of days. That should put the finishing touches on the basketball court.

C. The pavilion should be shipped on Saturday, February 20th and installed by the 24th. Not bad since it was ordered before Thanksgiving.

D. More large rocks will be added to the South driveway border for protection of water valve and driveway.

E. All the cold weather will delay Robbie Hulstein from installing the Park sign at the entrance.

F. Cold weather will also delay Billie Wilburn Jr. and Top Turf for their sod placement.

G. Steve Buoy is recouping from Corona and will have the wooden fence panels on the East side of Park in place soon.

2. Update on “Quapaw 15 Project “Meeker Lake”

A. We have Oklahoma Game, Fish and Wildlife on board now with some sponsorship of grant money. Hopefully, they will help push the OKC bunch to get it in gear and Let’s go.

3. Update on COVID 19

A. So sorry for the loss of family members that have been in our Meeker area for so long. They will always be remembered. Prayers to all the families. Just about the time the Gov. and others make announcements for us to go back to school, open businesses, then these tragedies – with sickness and deaths seem to be edging into our area.

B. Let’s keep the faith and hold onto Hope that this pandemic is coming to a close and everything can get back to some form of normalcy.

C. Let’s continue to social distance of stating 6’apart.

*Keep washing our hands for at least 20 seconds and wash often.

*Please keep your car and work areas clean and sanitized.

* In Meeker, wearing masks is optional.

*Thank you again for your continued support of all our local businesses and churches.

*Let’s keep up the love we are showing for our neighbors, friends and family because we are finding out that we are just that one breath of being gone forever.

4. Update on Grants

Fruits of our Labor is rolling in.

We are receiving approval from OMAG on PWA Equipment, jetter equipment, hoses, nozzles worth $6,000.00. We also completed the paperwork for out Gold Level with T-SET worth $14,000.00.

We received a Root Control Grant for $10,000.00 worth of sewer root control. This was conducted by Dukes Root Control.

We will apply for another $10,000.00 next year. We received a grant from ODOT and DEQ for $4,500.00 for update at Homestead Park. That work will start this spring. We have already graveled the road on West side of Park.

5. Update on PWA Water Lines

A. Sorry for the inconvenience on Tuesday with the outage of water. A 2” and 6” water main line broke and had to be replaced. The break was N. of Hwy. 18 and 62 aprox. ¼ mi. and of course it had to be repaired on one of the coldest days we’ve had.

B. The Town’s People needs to come together with an agreement for a solution to have these water and sewer lines replaced. Then the street can be paved with a thick overlay of asphalt and we can enjoy all the things and efforts of many that have been cleaning and shaping this Town back up.

To stay up to date on the latest news in town, visit our Facebook page: Town of Meeker, Oklahoma or go to the website below. Please make sure to like and follow our Facebook page to see updates. www.townofmeekerok.com