Letter to the editor

  • Letter to the editor
    Letter to the editor


Please listen. Substance abuse of any kind kills. The misconception that over-the-counter drugs, the legal kind, are harmless, is deadly wrong. Whether it be canned air, cleaners, “whippets” or over-the-counter products such as Robitussin, dextromethorphan, or “Sizzup” (liquid codeine), it all can cause terrible damage to your health, as well as take your life.

Statistics have proven that many people have died suddenly on their first misuse of these substances. There is no rhyme or reason as to why or how it happens, or who it happens to, but it happens often. And, what it leaves behind after death is devastation for many people. Their whole lives are forever changed. My mother is sad and cries all the time, her heart is broken. Please don’t ever try any of this stuff. You very well could die like me and then your whole family, your friends, even your pets, would be so hurt.

I wish I would have never decided to try it and maybe I would be here today and my friends and family would not be hurting so much. PLEASE don’t try it - if you have, please stop and seek help. It can kill!