
  • Easter

Seldom do I have accompany my wife Pat when she goes to buy groceries. Two or three months back though, I decided to go with her so I could help, primarily to push the cart and assist her once the groceries were paid for and bagged.

She injured her foot in December and it was still giving her some trouble. Both times I went the wind was blowing hard and so being thoughtful I offered to accompany her.

Please understand she really prefers going to the store alone, without any assistance from me and that’s ok. But she didn’t put up a fuss for me to help her on these occasions.

However, there are certain parameters when I grocery shop with my wife.

I assure her, as I always do, that my purpose for going along with her, as I’ve already mentioned, is to push the cart while we shop, then once the groceries are bagged and placed in the cart take it to the car and load groceries for the ride home.

I usually have some particular requests that she buy three or four items I would like and tell her that in the discussion we have prior to leaving the house to go to the store.

Once we get to the store, after grabbing the cart, I reassure her why I am there and again let her know I’m not going to ask for anything other than what I’ve already told her.

She usually tells me as we start out to grab my apples I like. As we begin going down the aisles as she shops, she will from time to time ask do I need this or that or even suggest that maybe I pick up something I like and we should get even though that it may not be on her list.

Pat is fairly meticulous as she shops. She’s price conscious and knows how much an item should cost. If it’s something that’s really healthy and we should have, she’ll most likely grab it.

If it costs too much, she thinks, she’ll skip it. She’s brand conscious as well. Like many women maybe, she prefers certain brands on some items and if not available may or may not get it, waiting until the next time she shops.

As I push the cart and she directs what aisle I need to go down next, I don’t question it. If she goes by something that looks good to me and doesn’t pick it up, I just keep my mouth zipped.

There are certain things she just won’t buy if she believes they are too expensive.

She’s always telling me, and I think she’s right on, that fresh vegetables and fresh fruit are the most expensive items.

Once we’re ready to check out, I help put the groceries where the checkout person needs them, keeping in mind Pat will direct in what order they should go.

When the groceries are bagged, I place them in the cart, take them to the car and place them them for the ride home.

After we get home, I help take the groceries inside to the kitchen, them head to another part of the house.

She wants to put them up by herself. My job is done!